
Information security can be defined as the state of being protected from unauthorized use of information or data, or the measures that are taken to prevent such breaches. Information security is extremely vital in today’s world and the technological landscape. So much of what happens requires intense data crunching and processing so this data is of a highly sensitive nature and has to be protected. Now with the widespread implementation of IoT, the amount of data will increase exponentially. So how do we protect that data? Here are some things you need to know about information security so you can take steps to keep your data safe.

• The Attack Surface Increase
Most experts agree that in the coming years, with the increase of more and more devices being connected together, there is a lesser pin-pointing where an attack will come from. It is thought that just finding such attacks will be difficult and finding the malicious actors responsible for them will be even more so.

• Threat Diversity Increase
As technology progresses at an astonishing pace, attackers will devise new strategies to manipulate vulnerabilities. This problem is exasperated since there are more devices connected to networks, most of which do not have the security needed to counteract as such attacks. Improvement of technology will lead to more sophisticated attacks as well which makes it harder to fend off such attacks.

• Threat Sophistication Increase
As stated previously, the increase of technology equates to more complex attack strategies that are stealthy and can avoid systems that are made to detect attacks. Cybersecurity systems that are made on the point-in-time defences and techniques will quickly become obsolete.

• Urgent Remediation Needed
The complex attacks require complex and urgent solutions in order to keep the data or system safe. It is highly impractical for an organization to shut down crucial systems, if infected, because the cost of shutting down may be greater than the infection itself. Therefore, better remedies need to be implemented that can quickly detect, clean and bring back operations to a normal working condition.

• Compliance and Regulation Increase
There will be heavier restrictions and regulations on organizations forcing them to have tighter and more efficient systems in place for security and privacy. Failure to do so can have serious impacts on the company’s reputation and value. Further, the more connected we get, the more the line of ownership will get blurred. This leads to some new challenges in terms of creating and maintaining regulation requirements.

What we desperately need are systems that threat-centric that is pervasive like IoT and the threats themselves. It should be able to cover a wide range of attack vectors and be able to handle attacks head-on from before, during and after the attacks. This kind of model will be able to protect systems, networks, and data to have a safer and more connected environment for everyone.


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